Monday, February 10, 2014

Monday 2/10/14

Today's Conditions
Temperature: -7 degrees Fahrenheit
Dew point: -13 degrees Fahrenheit
Wind: None

Cloud cover: Clear
Pressure: 1034.08 mb

Due to the nearby high pressure system, today's conditions included clear skies and very cold temperatures with dry and gentle winds. There is a large stationary front out west stretching from Montana to Mexico which I predict will eventually reach us tomorrow. This front will bring lower pressure and yield warmer temperatures and cloudy skies. 

The jet stream, as shown above, is a constant flow of wind from the west to the east. Although these wind patterns are very high off the surface, they influence many aspects of the weather for the entire continent. 

Precipitation and surface temperatures are following the jet stream as shown above. Lots of precipitation and freezing temperatures in the southeastern states could bring ice storms or blizzards to unprepared communities. 

Today's Haiku

Southern states beware
Hope you have plenty of salt
Ice storms approaching

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