Thursday, February 20, 2014

Thursday 2/20/14

Today's ConditionsTemperature: 36 degrees Fahrenheit
Windchill: 26 degrees Fahrenheit
Dew point: 32 degrees Fahrenheit
Wind: 16mph E

Cloud cover: Overcast
Pressure: 995.48 mb

Although the severe weather has not hit yet, it is quickly approaching Northwestern Wisconsin. The low pressure system to our south is moving northward, causing winds to shift from the south to the east, fueling the storm before it hits. A large curtain of precipitation is located above most of Iowa and Minnesota at the moment, but it is heading north and east towards Eau Claire. Although temperatures aren't cold enough to freeze precipitation, southbound cold fronts will provide the necessary temperatures for a massive amount of snowfall. Tomorrow should be much colder than today but cloud cover should remain.

Today's Haiku
Very cloudy skies
Classes cancelled after 5
Stay safe everyone

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