Thursday, February 27, 2014

Thursday 2/27/14

Today's Conditions
Temperature: -6 degrees Fahrenheit
Wind chill: -18 degrees Fahrenheit
Dew point: -22 degrees Fahrenheit
Wind: 5mph W

Cloud cover: Clear
Pressure: 1023.8 mb

Figure 1. This is a surface map showing general weather conditions across the United States.

Figure 2. This map displays the various Lifted Index values across the United States. A higher LI means more stable and calm weather.

Just as I thought, today's temperatures are much colder than yesterday's. The high pressure dome is directly above Eau Claire, effectively pushing cold temperatures southwest, south and east (Figure 1). This has caused a massive cold front to form in the central United States along with a stationary front out west and an occluded front out east. Figure 2 is a mapped representation of the Lifted Index values across the United States. Eau Claire is directly in the center of a very stable area, causing  today's conditions to include clear skies, frigid temperatures and gentle winds. Tomorrow we can expect some low pressure to move in, bringing clouds, warm air, and a good chance of some precipitation. 

In other news, the NASA Global Precipitation Measurement successfully launched into orbit today at around 12:30pm. This satellite will provide scientists with next-generation observations of rain and snow patterns worldwide.

Today's Haiku
Very frigid air
It's eighty degrees out west
NASA launch success!

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