Monday, April 21, 2014

Monday 4/21/14

Today's Conditions
Temperature: 68 degrees Fahrenheit
Dew point: 52 degrees Fahrenheit

Wind: 22mph W
Cloud cover: Fair
Pressure: 1011.7 mb

Following a warm and humid weekend, roads showed signs of over night rain as temperatures reached the 60's as early as 8am. Moderate winds from the west mean there must be a high pressure system to our west and a low pressure system to our north. A large cold front is just now passing the Mississippi River, and should cause for a decent drop in temperature tonight. Predictions for the near future include clear skies and warm temperatures, we should do well to avoid any rain in the next few days. 

Today's Haiku
Today it is warm
Warm enough to put on shorts
And wear a t-shirt

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